Celebrating Women in Business: Meet Owner/Creative Director Gladys Schanstra

At Drury Design, our legacy as a woman-owned business since 1987 is a source of pride and inspiration. As we continue to honor the contributions of women in business, we’re excited to highlight Owner and Creative Director Gladys Schanstra. With a wealth of experience in the design industry, Gladys combines her technical knowledge with a keen aesthetic sensibility to craft bespoke spaces that authentically reflect her clients’ lifestyles and bring them joy

Her approach is rooted in collaboration, and she thrives on helping clients articulate their visions. Here are some insights from our recent Q&A with Gladys, where she shares her thoughts on enduring design trends, the significance of continuing the company’s tradition as a woman-led local business, and her unique perspective on the design process:

What design trend do you think will stand the test of time?
I think all trends come and go, but true design that endures is rooted in personal expression and balances function with beauty. Natural materials, like marble, quartzite, and beautiful wood will always be valued for their beauty and calming presence. We gravitate toward the things mother nature creates for us. Amazing new materials are fun to work with, but you can’t go wrong with natural elements to ground us to the earth.

How do you balance client needs with your creative vision?
I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. It’s crucial to listen and understand what the client is truly expressing. Sometimes they may not fully articulate their needs, so asking the right questions helps uncover their true desires. As designers, we educate clients and find a balance between their preferences and our expertise, enhancing their vision while guiding them to the best solutions.

Gladys draws on her interior design background to create exceptional spaces, thoughtfully addressing the structural aspects of remodeling while also considering the furniture, colors, and details that enhance functionality and style.

What excites you most about starting a new project?
My technical brain loves space planning. I find it exhilarating to assess a blank canvas and look for ways to create efficient and interesting layouts. Watching clients engage and have those “light bulb” moments during the planning process is incredibly rewarding. It sets the stage for everything that follows.

Can you describe a project that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
I worked on a project that required addressing unique allergies for a client’s son, which involved sourcing specific materials and certifications. This experience taught me the importance of collaborating with innovative vendors and diving into new knowledge areas, pushing the boundaries of ‘typical’ design.

Gladys enjoys designing a variety of rooms across different styles, with a particular affinity for modern and contemporary design, defined by strategic minimalism, harmonious geometric shapes, and clean lines.

What’s a favorite design tool or resource you couldn’t live without?
Our drawing programs and rendering tools are essential for bringing ideas to life. They allow us to visually create concepts that exist only in our minds, helping communicate those ideas to clients effectively. This visual representation is critical in ensuring everyone is on the same page before we move forward. This can be mind-blowing for clients, to actually see their own spaces transformed before we actually start the project.

What’s a small design change that can have a big impact in a home?
Paint can make a huge difference! A fresh coat can transform walls, cabinetry, and even furniture, providing an instant refresh to any space. It’s a simple yet powerful way to elevate the overall aesthetic.

What does the legacy of Drury Design being woman-owned since 1987 mean to you personally?
I’m proud to be part of a company with such a rich history, carrying on in the traditional of excellence that Gail Drury created. Most of the true pioneers of our industry were women. Their courage and vision inspire me to continue that legacy and navigate my own journey in this field.

Gladys transforms her clients’ visions into innovative designs that challenge conventions. Who says a modern kitchen must be white and overlook the beauty of natural wood?

What role do you think women play in shaping the future of the design industry?
Women bring a unique perspective, particularly regarding family dynamics and how spaces serve multiple functions. Our understanding of how a household operates allows us to create designs that cater to real-life needs, balancing aesthetics with practicality. Women’s voices are essential in addressing the evolving challenges in design.

How do you stay on top of design trends and innovations?
I stay current by engaging with other respected professionals in the industry, whether they are designers, architects, or magazine executives. Conversations with those on the frontlines provide invaluable insights into what clients are asking for and how the industry is evolving. I also keep an eye on social media for the latest trends.

How do you help clients discover their own personal style?
I start by asking specific questions about how they live their lives and what inspires them. Understanding their interests, travels, and even the artwork they cherish helps reveal a common thread in their preferences. This approach allows us to identify their style, ensuring that the final design is a true reflection of who they are.

Comfort is a hallmark of Gladys’ work, a standout quality often overlooked in modern design. “My goal is for my clients to love their spaces,’ Gladys says. ‘When beauty and true comfort define a space, that’s the sweet spot I strive for!”

What is the most rewarding feedback you’ve ever received from a client?
One of the most memorable moments was when a client expressed gratitude not just for the successful project but for the friendship that developed during the process. It’s fulfilling to know that I not only helped create their dream space but also built a lasting connection.

What do you find to be the most fulfilling aspect of leading a company?
Having a female perspective in leadership provides understanding and flexibility, especially for those navigating family and career. I value the opportunity to work in an environment where our experiences as women are acknowledged and considered in decision-making. It fosters a supportive culture that encourages growth and creativity.

Gladys’ insights reflect her extensive expertise and the empowering culture at Drury Design, where collaboration and innovation thrive. As we continue to celebrate women in business, we invite you to connect with Gladys and explore how her vision can help transform your space.

Stay tuned for more designer profiles as we showcase the incredible women of Drury Design!